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How It Works? By letting you subscribe to 'topics' instead of 'sources'

Matched Topics

And we are working to improve it, as free software project

What is RSS?

RSS is a format which delivers a disintermediated, chronologically-ordered feed for web content. It is often used by news sites and blogs because it enables readers to subscribe to receive updates about new content through RSS reader webapps or software.

For more information on the history and use of RSS versus social media, check out this article.

RSS Readers

There are various RSS readers for various platforms, but here are some of the options to get you started:

  • Feedly: Webapp, iOS, Android. Proprietary. Requires registration, but not a valid email.
  • Winds: Pre-compiled binaries for Windows, OSX and GNU/Linux. Open source. Requires registration, but not a valid email.
Mac OS
  • ViennaRSS: Pre-compiled binaries, compatible with Mojave. Open source.